As of now, system almost settle down keep adjust to situation
When both USB HDD are running
and USB mouse hang
the USB mouse keep hang
so take out the PS/2 mouse
and it is a Samsung mouse !!
and it is a Samsung mouse !!
but not very responsive maybe PPI not high
may get a mouse pad
During the process
I also delete the SMS and MPE and its backup

when restore SamSung OS complain
if I use MPE messaging services
I also stupid to clear message default
but later it auto come back
so second time restore back using MPE restore only upto 1 Jan 2015
so lost 1-6 Jan 2015
(In white box theory,
i can use nandroid CWM backup to restore to full 4Jan
i can use nandroid CWM backup to restore to full 4Jan
get back original Note 2 GT 7105 system backup
do a MPE backup on just SMS
redo Ditto DN3 install
run a MPE restore)
after MPE restore
There is minute difference between the picture above
is the Clear default is ON, and not
is the Clear default is ON, and not
"No default set"
Although no much infor on Samsung messaging app
and all message restored back
the menu button pop up
Now i also do battery calibration
After 8 hour charging i reach 4320mV on USB plug 2.0
too bad can not get 4321
but later i think i got 4330mV
and calibrate again while connect to PC
The following is what is can capture on screen
BTW even though
I do factory reset
wipe data
I still got my installed app on GT 7005 back
port over from Android 4.1.2 to 4.4.2
The device is I entry into the ROM
There rest is Ditto DN3 ROM
even developer option I have to press 7 times Build Number to get it out
The only major fault on DN3 is that
Hope to solve it soon
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