Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Yestersday I was able to run Link2SD on blanked 2G SD card Today I was too haste and try to move partition on existing 16Gb SD card (that I force shutdown during fdisk) it still can be accessible but not recognize by link2SD So mission suspend and need to plan for the migration or have to wait to buy another 32 Gb SD card during june PC Show There are few things to prepare as viewpad go for second factory reset again 1. The Access Point Names for Singtel brief as APN = e-ideas Username = 65ideas password = 65ideas (without APN the USB tethering will connect but fails to login) 2. Few app need to download first eg link2SD app2SD but problem is update for Maps, Gmail etc will auto download and it is unstoppable 3. The USB connect with PC may need to reset So best way is to reset the PC then Un-install the viewpad PC tool but plug out and plug in the USB The RUT ADB driver will auto install (please remember to press next button) 4. I may need a copy of ubuntu CD to the two partitions on SD card So I will continue blog on process of link2SD trial process

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