Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I got back my HD9

After two months of waiting I got back my HD9

Last week in Guangzhou, I even saw similar HD9
manufactured by THL (The logo appear on my CJ HD9)
It even has retail shops and
it is same as V8 and only cost 888 RMB

I dun know the relationshop between THL and CJ
they maybe the same or ...

Too bad there is lot to reconfigure HD9
and I dare not do too much on it
until I come back Singapore

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nandroid backup

This is in the draft so I publish out

Nandroid backup is the term use to backup the rom, EXACTLY the way it is right now. 
So let say you are installing a new rom, and everything that could possibly go wrong happen and you just want to go back the way they were before you did all of this..
Nandroid backup come to the rescue. It simply backup everything ( setting, rom, software, etc.. ) and put it on your phone. 
If something happen, go in quick recovery, and recover your phone with that. It then reinstall everything the way it was. 

I think, now Nandroid has been integrated with Clockwork/Rom manager. So you just go to the option to backup your phone, and nandroid will kick in and do it's job. 
They preatty much streamlined the whole process now,

Thursday, March 15, 2012

preparing to viewpad for new SD card

The last IT show I only brought an ScanDisk 16G for $16
It is said to be class 4
The original Scandisk booth has class 10 16G and ask for $25 but being turn down by me
Now I got two scandisk 16G (One from China and IT show Sing)

I do a Titanium backup and CWD backup too yesterday

Yesterday, I have prepare the SD card to partition into
second partition   1024 Mb
SWAP partition    zero
So left with 13.87G
recomended by websites summary

Today I do a factory reset

The Internal memory give the highest of 148MB free space !

Choose carefully to load link2SD first

before I run Autolink

I run Chinese钛备份 Titanium Backup and just closed
then I run TBActivator to treak the app

I also run APNbackup and restore to restore SingTel APN

Now I going to install the rest of app