Since lost of hp I have been waiting for the IT show for almost a month.
Life is a drag without a smartphone !
Yestersday, I finally sign up for CIMB credit card and hope to get it before Sunday
(as it is life time free membership waived)
and now it offer 1% redeem when I spent $500
After reading today DL
I remind myself to remember to bring out EZ-Link card and join Facebook for Straits Time Digital Life Pg 2 Special for coupon for IT Show home at night.
PLUS ! For every $100 paid or deposit placed during the show, you will stand a chance to win:
1st Prize: S$ 20,000 CASH
2nd Prize: S$ 3,000 Cash
3rd Prize: S$ 2,000 Cash
And other attractive cash prizes!
(* Remember to redeem your IT SHOW lucky draw coupons @ Level 6 - Hall 602 Suntec Singapore)
At present this is my comparsion list
1. ViewSonic ViewPad 7 $599 Pg 28
2. HTC Incredible S $ 758 (With Plan) Pg 12
3. Palladine Palroid PR70HD $199 Wifi Pg 23/17
(need to look for HuaWei Mifi maybe $100-200)
4. ipad 1 wifi 16G $538 Pg 4
ipad old 3G $718
ipad 2 $632 (not available at IT show)
I Call the viewsonic marketing Ms Adderson
Confirm viewpad has build in SMS and maybe upgrade to 2.3 or 3.0...
So I can use it as a big phone !! (大哥大)for a long time being
IT Show give 16Gb Micor SD card & Screen protector (worth $95)
Compare to last time promotion with $749 Straitime date 18 Feb
(The day I lost my HTC Desire)
and South Asia computer give SD card + bluetooth earpiece + leather casing (worth 80)
So I need to add the bluetooth earthpiece + leather casing
(will the price still go down. Yes, but I can wait any longer as I using borrowed hp)
For the earthpiece, I prefer to have Platronics tie clip
(but with selected purchase and free ipad charger - may be with CK/CH/EL)
or other cheaper collar clip bluetooth earpiece
So look at the link,ViewSonic-ViewPad-7,Apple-iPad/phones/5229,5241,4897 plus this
Incredible S ViewPad7 ipad
$ 758 $599 718
CPU 1000 600 1000
Ram 768 512 1600
I may incline to purchase viewpad7 first
then purchase another Android hp at 6 Dec 2011 when I able to recontract again
Or waste $200 to buy Palladine Palroid PR70HD $199
with huawei mifi (but cant used to call/sms)
and so need another China ShanZai hp N8
Or HTC Incredible S as it remind me as a HTC desire HD
OR what other options?
HuaWei tablet ? M1 take 3
Samsung Galaxy S/Tap? wait forTmr Straitime
Dell Streak? (unless Starhub willing to let Dell go by it own)