Friday, February 25, 2011

tablet of 2011

not able to cut and paste the tablet table list
but hopefully someone will compile a list for Singapore market
for eg Notion Ink Adam is not found here

as my last favourite website come out with

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My HTC Deisre lost

Just two months having a HTC desire on 6 Dec 2010
I lost my baby on 18 Feb 2011

There are two regrets
1. I did not continue to buy insurance on 18 Feb 2011
2. I should have brought HTC desire HD/Z on 6 Dec 2010

IF I have a HD/Z then I hopefully
can remotely
a. delete all my data
b. send msg to ask robber to bring back my hp
c. make the hp unusable

too bad it is gone by now

Saturday, February 12, 2011

track of charging via battery pack

Today I try to track the charging of HTC via battery pack
and write this blog via hp too
Seem that both have failed

As supposed to write that the HTC drain off at 1pm and
register under battery widget about 10%
After put in battery pack and run overcharged
it registered at 2% with lowest 3189mv

The charinging stop at 3pm and I continue to charge via main.
The full charge is done at about 4:30pm

I shall do the experiment again