Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just in case upgrading to Android 3.0

I think I take note of these when I hunt for my new android hp or tablet

However, Gingerbread has minimum requirements like (among others) 1 GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, and 3.5 inches screen size. 

(oh no HTC Desire Z will fail to run on future 3.0)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Android 3.0 "Gingerbread" 4Q Of 2010 Release

Google, according to some Russian source, will release their next Android OS (Android 3.0 or Gingerbread) in fourth quarter (4Q) of 2010. With Google's unique naming conventions on their Android OS, Google's Gingerbread focuses on their user interface (UI). Google tries to encourage universal consistency in the design and to minimize fragmentation.

The talks about "fragmentation" (there are disconnects among products, not streamlined in the way inconsistent in Google's Android OS design, consumer-based interfaces, simplicity, etc) is a criticism among (mostly) Apple lovers because their products are generally consistent (design, architecture and engineering wise). It's true (arguably speaking) that no companies are immune to fragmentation problem. Even Apple has fragmentation on their own. For example, Apple's latest OS is not backward compatible with their older generation iPhones.

Gingerbread features (comparable to current and older OS's) better UI, animations, integrated Google apps, increased speed, and others. However, Gingerbread has minimum requirements like (among others) 1 GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, and 3.5 inches screen size. Another unfortunate fragmentation since older devices may not be able to run Gingerbread. To Google's credit, fragmentation is not due to the limitation of their Android OS (in fact, manufacturer could profit more because the it's an open-source product or it's free). The fragmentation is the result of different manufacturers with different marketing and business goal interests. They each have different flavors of Android OS. Google is making an effort to make sure that consistency is at the highest priority.

questions why hardware cannot upgrade to android 2.2

Still can not find the reasons yet but

like the able blog and link to the following blog

It’s been less than a week since Google took FroYo off ice and shipped it ’round the world to a small number of Nexus One users (and the firmware happy), but a big question remains: what phones will make the cut, and when will it happen?


HTC Corp. was the first to make public their plans for Android’s latest and greatest release. The company confirmed they will “most likely” release Android 2.2 for any handset they’ve launched this year:
[. . .] if your phone was launched this year, we will most likely offer an upgrade for it to the Froyo version. This includes popular models like the Desire and Droid Incredible as well as hotly anticipated phones like the Evo 4G, MyTouch slide and upcoming models. We will announce a full list of phones and dates once we are closer to launching the upgrades. We are working closely with Google and our other partners to ensure we have the earliest access to everything we need to provide a complete and solid Sense experience on Froyo. We expect to release all updates in the second half of this year but can’t be more specific yet.

Phones that make the grade

  • EVO 4G (Qualcomm Snapdragon)
  • Incredible (Qualcomm Snapdragon)
  • Desire (Qualcomm Snapdragon)
  • Nexus One (Qualcomm Snapdragon)
  • Legend (Qualcomm MSM7227)
  • myTouch 3G Slide (Qualcomm MSM7227)


Daddy to the Droid, Motorola just confirmed today that its QWERTY-toting offspring will soon be making the jump as well:
We’re excited to see Google’s news of the next version of the Android operating system and look forward to integrating it on our Android-based devices as it’s made available to the open source community.
While I can’t comment on specifics, we do expect DROID by Motorola users will receive Android 2.2 as a software upgrade in the near future.
Some have noted that Motorola’s use of “devices” suggests that mid-range phones like the CLIQ or DEVOUR will follow in the Droid’s footsteps, but we wouldn’t place one red cent on that bet.

Phones that make the grade

  • Droid (Texas Instruments OMAP3430)


A perennial also-ran in the Android ecosystem, Samsung has only strengthened their position in this respect by maintaining a stony silence about any upgrade plans they might have.


Troubled by failures (or an unwillingness; you never know with Sony) to crack the North America’s subsidized phone market, Sony has moved at a glacial pace with their Android handsets. Even though retired models like the Droid Eris have already received Android 2.1, Sony Ericsson said on May 5 that 2.1 won’t hit their flagship XPERIA X10 until the end of this year. That doesn’t leave much hope for Sony customers looking to get a taste of FroYo, but stranger things have happened.

Phones that don’t make the grade

Throughout this article, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that three particular processors keep cropping up: the TI OMAP3430, the Qualcomm Snapdragon and the Qualcomm MSM7227. This list will also include the Qualcomm MSM7230 by the end of the year. Of all the many processors featured in the market’s Android phones to date, only these chips are quick enough to run the Flash 10.1 experience available to Android 2.2.
That means phones like the HTC Droid Eris, T-Mobile G1, HTC Magic, HTC Hero and the Samsung Moment–popular phones all–have more than likely seen their last official firmware update.
Not all is lost, however. The Android community is overflowing with resourceful and dedicated individuals, like Paul “MoDaCo” O’Brien and Steve “Cyanogen” Kondik, who are determined to bring all of Google’s updates to every phone, retired or otherwise. Crafting these unofficial updates takes time, but even venerable devices like the G1 will eventually have their day in FroYo’s sun–if you’re handy with an SD card, that is.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Android在中国 玩的是“创意”


Android在中国 玩的是“创意”

相关搜索: Android中国
Android平台$ h- j' d9 q# q% h( }7 j

没有人想到Android平台会发展得如此迅速。11月1日美国市场研究机构NPD Group发布的最新统计数据表明,截至第三季度末,Android操作系统在美国智能手机市场上的销量份额已达到44%,首次超过苹果的市场占有率。在中国,安装Android操作系统的智能终端也在快速增长,虽然没有详细的统计数字,但用户数量的增长使得基于Android系统的软件应用商开始在中国频频试水。移动互联网最吸引人的特征之一就是充满无穷想象力。

有人寄望Android平台能给中国带来团购模式一样的热潮,但正如团购在中国陷入的困境一样,寄望Android同样也要面临风险和抉择,比如:谷歌与中国政府的矛盾,美国模式在中国环境的水土不服,本土跟进者蜂拥而上的无序竞争等。想在中国玩转Android,还真不是一件容易的事。% y* M, s' ]9 M

说起谷歌Android系统,自然要提到苹果iPhone和App Store。0 h: \2 N" G1 @2 e
0 x% ^. _7 B4 n7 ], d& c( _( J
亚太地区Android促进会主席、台湾著名架构设计师高焕堂对这两个平台的看法是,“苹果公司的App Store和谷歌的Android都为大家提供了更加容易赚钱的机会,但是我认为,前者为大家提供的机会就像是芝麻,后者却能为大家带来一个汉堡。由于Android兼具开放与兼容性的创意空间,因此十分适合通过软硬件结合的创新设计打开产品市场,赚取软件开发之外的更多利益。”' _' A9 r& o' L! D
9 E, |; V; \* }& h& W  l" V6 t# N

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7 s# m; A1 E" q( t: Y9 T/ [7 [
从产业角度,易观国际分析师路理彬同样看好Android开发平台在中国的商业前景,原因是其很强的开放性和拓展性。Android系统不仅可以运行在手机上,基于Android的平板电脑和mp4等MID(Mobile Internet Device,移动互联网设备)产品也不断的有新品上市;由于具有可定制的特性,Android系统也吸引了包括中国移动[77.55 -0.32%]、中国联通[5.08 0.59%]、中兴、华为、联想等运营商和国内厂商的加入;而且由于Android系统的引入成本低,将非常有利于其聚拢应用开发者和终端厂商。

艾瑞分析师刘亮分析,目前基于Android的智能手机在全球手机市场保持强劲增长,市场占有率的大幅提升也促进了Android手机应用服务市场的迅速发展。随着国内外更多OEM终端厂商支持Android平台发展,预计Android智能手机将在中国市场获得更快速的发展。" C# ~, p5 I6 m* m

随着Android应用开发市场逐步成熟,该平台在国内个人消费和广告营销市场的商业前景将日趋广阔。6 z  G' Q' P; f

风险重重% M& u! Q4 S1 |

虽然已经有了很好的发展,并占据了相当的市场份额,但是目前的Android系统还是面临着重重的困难。! g% T5 B. q5 u) B8 @7 |* n

最重要的一点就是Android刚刚出道不久,其盈利模式的探索在中国仍有问题。从2008年App Store引领的应用商店之风刮到国内,各大运营商、厂商都建立了自己的应用商店,仅2009年就建立了十多家。但是与运营商和厂商急于拓展收费渠道相比,用户却相当冷静,鲜有付费下载行为。

中国第一批为苹果开发应用的企业之一,北京明卓求思软件CEO沈卓立认为,付费下载模式目前并不适合国内消费者,所以这种在美国很成熟的盈利模式在国内行不通。此外,现在没有一个统一的大家都认可的Android market(Google无线广告发布平台),群雄混战的局面,也给用户带来很多的困惑和不方便。
1 K' K- y) N5 ^6 @& F6 F& O' T
沈卓立表示,北京明卓求思软件没在Android努力推广自己的应用,就是因为看不清Android付费下载模式的前景。相反,该公司在苹果的主要业务就是付费模式,下载得还不错。如果在Android上免费,意味着对苹果上付费用户的不公平。既然没有想好一个全面的解决方案,沈卓立的选择就是静观其变。" J4 n2 X, u) z. L+ L  s% ]

另一方面,由于国内政策的限制,导致Android的部分功能(如Android market)在国内无法正常使用,目前常用的解决方法是使用类似A8VPN的VPN(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网络)服务来访问。
' X7 q2 s. r5 t( l
在付费机制层面,艾瑞分析师刘亮认为,Android现行的支付方式较为繁琐,对其他第三方支付的扩展能力有限,直接影响到用户的支付体验和购买付费应用的意愿,迫使部分应用开发者通过在免费应用植入广告负担相应开发成本,结果是同时降低了对消费者和开发者对付费应用的吸引力。 ' R7 B/ D" h( O

平台分化6 z9 ^, q6 f5 n. O' E

7 x# P! A( g+ _: E7 n6 r
通用性正是李开复创新工厂魔图精灵项目负责人密金华最头痛的问题之一。据他介绍,魔图精灵软件在三星手机上能顺利应用,但是到了一些其他品牌的Android手机上使用,就需要重新进行适配,“Android平台分化太严重了,相比于为iPhone这样单独的一款设备做开发应用,为Android做开发应用存在更大挑战。”* |, H/ r4 C* o. u& d) a6 j

- f' ]- Y' O9 I6 \% ?
延伸阅读8 t: Z" L: U7 w% g& ^/ M5 l1 @# o
2 T& p1 i/ G& O* }. \
Android手机操作系统  H; ~) q% p$ r. e: u( g! S

安迪·罗宾(Andy Rubin)被公认为是Android之父。5年前,谷歌收购安迪·罗宾的创业公司,并在其基础上着手开发智能手机操作系统。两年前,第一部基于Android系统的谷歌手机问世,但市场并不买账,销售很不理想。不过,由于谷歌的一个很小的工程师团队并没有放弃,一直在更新该系统并使之变得越来越友好。此后,顶级手机厂商如HTC、摩托罗拉和三星也加入到Android阵营,推出了几十部Android手机。自此,Android开始以前所未有的方式改变着手机市场,超越iPhone 和BlackBerry 成为最受欢迎的智能手机操作系统。

Friday, November 26, 2010

This is the Dream pad that I want !

I found the Dream tablet that I saw at BeiJing (It is S$250)

It has the UTP RJ 45 built in !! to be connect to LAN

That will allow stable and 100Mb connection

and it carry a bulky external GPS dongle (thats also unique among other Shanzai)

and it has two SD slots and you can swop anytime

or combine to give maximum memory

too bad the sale man do not bulge in lower the price

it is running on Android 2.1

If I see it again, anyone want it ?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I stop my data services for a while

Yesterday called up my Teleco, Singtel, to stop my data GPRS services for a while

Starting last midnight, I was not able got any push nokia push email services
Though my email is not a lot, but I feel a bit uneasy as it is too silent on the network

I try to pass time by surfing Internet over wifi at my house
But anyway, my wifi services was always not very welll as
my room is far away from the 2wire router.
So I actually use 3G when I am at home

I think I will have to wait for Dec before I can decide on what to buy ?
a hp or a tablet ? or both ?

Then I will continue with the new data plan

Even SingTel has come with a new data plan 3G Flexi which is more uptodate to the market demand
Only thing is that International data roaming is still a long way to lower down the cost

Oh ! I think this in between period will be a drag and challenge to me ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Android Tablets comparison - Cheap android tablets

I found this site
after someone send me email below

Almost so happy that my friend Timonthy mentioned that
How about Acer tablets? It sounds like a safer bet compare to other OEMs.,2817,2373237,00.asp
But Go to wait for 1Q 2011 but I can not

and there will be a lot more than you think

too bad Acer is slow to bring in netnook
and may be ASUS will be earlier this time too

The Shanzai is doing better in bringing more varieties

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Full Guarantee On All Items

Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 12:00 PM

Subject: [Full Guarantee On All Items] A friend sent you a link to Herotab M10 - 10" Android 2.2, Multi-Touch, 1Ghz, 3G


Hi tin koh,

A friend has sent you a link to a product that (s)he thinks may interest you.

Click here to view this item: Herotab M10 - 10" Android 2.2, Multi-Touch, 1Ghz, 3G

Full Guarantee On All Items powered with PrestaShop™

Re: MiFi - 3G to Wi-Fi router

Check out my blog and others article
and the comments after the same email

If I need to change to a hp, then I may go for HTC desire Z with mini keyboard
The problem with Galaxy lie in the design of USB ...

Nevertheless, Galaxy S is still a better phone than iphone in hardware
Lastly, I really see a trend people are carry two devices at the same times
I am not going to be satified by just i(series) alone ...

Do you all agree ?

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Alvin Pan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Yupz, nowadays, smartphones are able to wifi/bluetooth tether for other
> devices. My Samsung Galaxy S phone is able to do just that. =) but if that's
> the case, Galaxy Tab has got a SIM slot too, for mobile broadband on 3G
> Cheers,
> Alvin
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:04 AM, tin Koh <> wrote:
>> As mentioned, I was excited when I found there is hardware solution
>> for 3G to wifi router (Mifi)
>> The product is
>> Hua Wei 3 mifi e5830
>> But there is software solution too !! using existing nokia hp call
>> JoikuSpot
>> just download from OVI or
>> and watch how it works
>> There are pro and con (dun know until using them)
>> But it help me to find solution to last two obstacles to choose
>> between Archos 7 and Samsung Tab
>> It give non 3G tablet to "tether" 3G phone to use as a wifi spot
>> or in laymen term
>> You use 3G hp set up as a wifi station
>> You can then use wifi-only tablet to connect to it - your 3G hp
>> and you can use enjoy personal wifi where ever you go
>> (when there is not free wifi)
>> for details check out
>> as it works for other hp and ipad too
>> Next how to connect Archos 7 to 100Mb LAN ...
> --
> Alvin Pan (Mr) | Undergraduate
> Minor in Entrepreneurship | School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering |
> Nanyang Technological University
> Mobile: (65) 9295 6505 | Email:

Re: MiFi - 3G to Wi-Fi router

Hi all,

Yupz, nowadays, smartphones are able to wifi/bluetooth tether for other devices. My Samsung Galaxy S phone is able to do just that. =) but if that's the case, Galaxy Tab has got a SIM slot too, for mobile broadband on 3G HSDPA.


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:04 AM, tin Koh <> wrote:
As mentioned, I was excited when I found there is hardware solution
for 3G to wifi router (Mifi)

The product is
Hua Wei 3 mifi e5830

But there is software solution too !! using existing nokia hp call JoikuSpot

just download from OVI or

and watch how it works

There are pro and con (dun know until using them)

But it help me to find solution to last two obstacles to choose
between Archos 7 and Samsung Tab

It give non 3G tablet to "tether" 3G phone to use as a wifi spot
or in laymen term
You use 3G hp set up as a wifi station
You can then use wifi-only tablet to connect to it - your 3G hp
and you can use enjoy personal wifi where ever you go
(when there is not free wifi)

for details check out
as it works for other hp and ipad too

Next how to connect Archos 7 to 100Mb LAN ...

Alvin Pan (Mr) | Undergraduate
Minor in Entrepreneurship | School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering |
Nanyang Technological University
Mobile: (65) 9295 6505 | Email:

MiFi - 3G to Wi-Fi router

As mentioned, I was excited when I found there is hardware solution
for 3G to wifi router (Mifi)
The product is
Hua Wei 3 mifi e5830
But there is software solution too !! using existing nokia hp through JoikuSpot
just download from OVI or
and watch how it works
There are pro and con (dun know until using them)
But it help me to find solution to last two obstacles to choose
between Archos 7 and Samsung Tab

It give non 3G tablet to "tether" 3G phone to use as a wifi spot
or in laymen terms
You use 3G hp set up as a wifi station
You can then use wifi-only tablet to connect to it - your 3G hp
and you can use enjoy personal wifi where ever you go
(when there is not free wifi)
for details check out
as it works for other hp and ipad too

Next how to connect Archos 7 to 100Mb LAN ...

PS: I have recorded another blog on September on 3G to wifi adaptor
and it take me so long to realise what that solution offer.

Even though people will ask why not just Samsung Tabs
(But unless you can use it as a 24hr carried around hp)

I rather to bring a normal hp and another tablet as option to bring along

This situations already being around for a long time as
I notice there a lot of group of people carring devices of two worlds or more
as in Nokia hp with itouch
and iphone with tablet
and blackberry with ipad etc

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Archos Tablet Reviews

I prefer archos 70 internet with 120 Gb HDD as it is unique in market

The Archos Android tablets are competitively priced.

The Archos 101 sells for just $299.99 for 8GB and

349.99 for 16GB, while the

Archos 70 sells for only $274.99 for 8GB and

$349.99 and 250GB, respectively.

The Archos 70 (8GB model) is available now through the official Archos store.

The Archos 101 will be available the week of 11/8/10.”




ARCHOS A70 8GB FLASH 7" TFT LCD 16M COLOR – S$459 US$274.99 for 8GB

ARCHOS A70 250GB HDD 7" TFT LCD 16M COLOR – S$499 US$349.99 for 250GB

ARCHOS A101 8GB FLASH 10.1" TFT LCD COLOR – S$499 US$299.99 for 8GB

ARCHOS A101 16GB FLASH 10.1" TFT LCD COLOR – S$599 US$349.99 for 16GB

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tablet for 2010 / 2011

Tablo Turns a Laptop into a Tablet

Oh I like her, maybe a korean gal, as in the video

Er  what I mean I like her company innovation Tablo as you can find review in

BTW. I also saw this
I think Tablet computers have been around for the best part of the
last 10 years. I also do believe Apple have a little company called
Axiotron to thank for their iPad inspiration.
Axiotron actual do this
The top segments of the MacBook are removed, which include the
keyboard, LCD screen and iSight camera. A glass screen cover, a new
LCD screen, a sensor board, the original iSight camera and a
chrome-plated magnesium top shell are then installed. This is done
either to a new-from-Apple MacBook or refurnished one.

That's innovation !

Shame to Samsung who came out tablet Q1 3 years ago with foldable
keyboard give it up and then follow back Apple in Galaxy Tab ...
(to me too as I may get a Tab after I did not buy Q1 previously
and end my per-chase of a umpc)
and few company eg OQO has ceased operations

Last but no least tablets for 2010
and who will has the last laugh

In additional, I like the following website as it is a collection that similar to my wish list

BTW As for the software, there is a saying
Google Chrome OS is for Netbooks, Android for Smartphones & Tablets

Lets welcome 2011 android tablets !!