Friday, December 25, 2009

restore applications on E72

I found this excellant T9 Nav on Singtel e-ideas
after i disappointed with Nokia advance search

I like the previous In device search to be able to search by numbers

The other applications I like ....SMS preview

I have to check out other in ovi store

Re-install Nokia E72

Yesterday, I have to make a trip to Nokia Care centre
and at the end I have learned how to fresh install E72

Here is some summary
To do PC suite cleaner to clean up register in PC
To reinstall PC suite
To reinstall Ovi suite
To do a backup and sync on both PC and OVI suite
On E72
(Disclaimer: Please first understand the consequence before you do that as last resort !
Do not blame me if you do not perform a full backup before that.
Try to do other "software" reset using *#7780# )
To do "total" software reset on E72, "dial" *#7370#
(you will be prompt "Restore all original phone setting" So do think twice
lock code is 12345)

To recovery the last working status
Fr Sync on PC and OVI suite
(If first option is recommeded, or a full restore is choosen)

These process is repeated until a full working copy is reached

Things to take note

All the applications download is gone after the hard reset
so dun do it after purchase some paid application
In my case I have spent $1 for one finance software

Please do a full-backup and sync in both PC and OVI suite
That is four combination of backup

Believe me, until Nokia settle on one complete solution
At this moment, for any model of Nokia it is advisable to do four operations before
any "total" factory reset

It is because, my problem this time, my Nokia messaging is reset by Nokia Philiphine
to detach from all my emails (ie Exchange, yahoo, OVI, hotmail)

At the same time, my OVI on PC fails at the same time

So to restore my E72 need lot of time as I restore each module at one time

So in the process, I learn the hard way

For example If i do restore in my case,
I will restore bad setting of not able to remove mailbox at the same time
So I can only sync back SMS in Ovi
(I can sync back contact after I did a full restore )